Special Education Transportation


Special Transportation is determined at an Individual Education Program (IEP) meeting based on a student’s need to access special education services. All students requiring Special Transportation must complete the Emergency Health Form (found in Sped Forms).


Special Education Procedures Handout

 Emergency Health Form

  1. Find this form within SpEd Forms----> Other Forms and Logs
  2. Complete the information requested in the form
  3. Email the Emergency Health Form (Found in Sped Forms) to Transportation Office, Building Principal and Building Secretary.
  4. Communicate with families that setting up new transportation take 5-7 days and that confirmation of pick up and/or drop off times will be given to them from the Transportation Department

Parent Reimbursement

If the Transportation Department is unable to transport a student eligible for Special Transportation, the District will reimburse the parent for their mileage in transporting their child.Parents will receive reimbursement from bringing the child to school, and bringing the child home.

  1. As Case Manager, you may be contacted to complete (with the parent) the Parent Reimbursement Form
  2. Email the Parent Reimbursement Form   to the Administrative Assistant for Student Support Services, Director of Student Support Services or Assistant Director of Student Support Services or ECSE Coordinator and the Transportation Director for approval
  3. Once approved, parent completed Parent Mileage Log and will return to the Case Manager.
  4. Case Manager sends the Parent Mileage Log to the Administrative Assistant of Student Support Services for payment.