• English Language Services

    Alexandria Public Schools (APS) access English Language services through Runestone Area Education District (RAED).   Staff include an EL teacher and EL paraprofessional.  

    Information for staff regarding EL Services

    Assessment for Initial Qualification

    Written Plans

    Annual Assessment

    Placement Criteria

    English Language Services

    Resources for Teachers


    PURCHASING (Link to instructions)


    Assessment for Initial Qualification

    Home Language Questionnaire 

    All schools that are part of Runestone Area utilize a Home Language Questionnaire (HLQ)  which is required of each student being registered within their school district.    The questions in the questionnaire are:  language the student first learned to speak, language the student normally uses at home,  language the parent most frequently uses with the child, and language the student normally uses with friends.  If a language other than English is marked for any of the questions, English assessment is required and the EL teacher is notified.  Other information gathered includes date of enrollment in US schools, date of enrollment in Minnesota schools and indications of special education services.   Each school has been instructed to contact the EL teacher if anything other than English has been marked on any of the questions.

    Initial Language Assessment:

    After notification of a language other than English on the HLQ (home language) is provided to the EL teacher,  the EL licensed teacher will give the online screener for grades 1-12. Kindergarten will be given WIDA Kindergarten W-APT (2nd semester age 4)- Speaking and Listening sections only and Kindergarten and First Semester of Grade 1: Kindergarten MODEL and Kindergarten W-APT (reading and writing sections are only given to children in the second semester) Grades 1-12: WIDA Screener Online and Paper Students with Identified or Unidentified Disabilities: Consult with special education staff who are familiar with the child’s IEP to determine if accommodations should be used for the screener as appropriate. This test  will be given to determine the level of proficiency of the student.  These assessments are given within a reasonable amount of time after receiving notification of student's registration.

    Written Plan

    The English Learner program in the Runestone Area Education District (RAED) Schools supports students in grades K-12 in acquiring the English necessary to be successful in our classrooms.   RAED follows the State of Minnesota Guidelines and serves the continuing growing population.  An  English learner certified teacher and paraprofessional staff are appropriately  licensed and trained to work with our ELL population.  Instruction in all four language domains; reading, writing, listening and speaking are provided to support our English learners’ language learning.  

     Annual Assessment:

    As required by law, all students labeled as LEP in MARSS are assessed annually.  The assessment is conducted with the assistance of various district personnel, including counselors and classroom teachers.  EL teachers are the main test administrators, with others helping support the testing process by monitoring student progress.  Anyone helping with the test administration is required to pass the WIDA training in group administration each year.  The speaking portion of the assessment is administered by a licensed EL teacher only.  All licensed EL teachers are required to complete the WIDA training each year in group administration, scoring of the speaking section and the kindergarten administration section if testing kindergarten students.  The training for the Alternate ACCESS for ELLs is required for those administering the alternate assessment.  Once the district has received the test scores, parents are notified of those scores and of their student’s need to continue in or exit the EL program.

     Placement criteria

    Kindergarten W-APT First Semester: At least a 28 combined score on the listening and speaking section Second Semester (and Grade 1, Semester 1): At least a 28 combined score on the listening and speaking section. A reading score greater than or equal to 11. Writing score greater than or equal to 12. Kindergarten MODEL: Composite score greater than or equal to 4.5. All domains greater than or equal to 4.5. Grades 1-12: WIDA Screener Online: Composite score of 4.5 with no domains below 3.5, students may exit.  The teacher will then do the following: 

    1. The teacher places the assessment scores in the CUM file.  
    2.  Send a letter home to say the student does/does not qualify.
    3. Contact the school to label students as LEP in the MARS attendance system.
    4.  Puts students on schedule/caseload and contacts teachers to let them know what the student CAN DO using CAN DO’S and their Language Goals based on the WIDA Frameworks 2020.

    Parent Notification

    Parents will be notified of student placement within a few days after their placement test.  Parent notification letters are available in other languages if necessary for families.  All the written information includes phone numbers and school numbers that families can use when they have questions.  The notification letter includes student scores from tests and a notice of right to waive services with a brief description of our program.  Families will also receive the annual ACCESS for ELLs assessment scores in the Fall of each year.  

    Parent Notification Letter

     English Language Services

    English Learner services support multilingual students in listening, reading, writing and speaking.  Following the WIDA standards, English learners focus on social/instructional language, the language of language arts, language of math, science and social studies.  Services are based upon the student level of English, grade level and the data gathered regarding the student. (WAPT scores, reading assessments, teacher recommendation, MCA scores, cum file, etc..) All students are given content-based instruction which is designed to promote English proficiency and growth of academic vocabulary.   Students are ageappropriately placed with their peers and instruction is aligned to the WIDA and Common Core State Standards at the current grade level.  

    Direct services may include one or more of the following methods of instruction:

    -Pull-out:  instruction is given in a separate classroom

    -Push in:   classroom support is provided /reinforced if needed with support

      -  Transitional services:  If a student has exited or does not qualify for services.  If they receive an overall composite score of 4.5 with at least three of the domain scores (reading, writing, speaking, listening) at 4 or higher.  During this transition, the EL teacher will do periodic checks with the students and consideration for re-enrollment if necessary and extra support if necessary. 

    Elementary Program

    El teachers, paraprofessional staff, and classroom staff all provide instruction to multilingual learners.  EL staff provides instruction on a pull-out as well as push-in settings.  The focus of pull-out is on the building of academic vocabulary and literacy skills.  The goal is to move students from the Basic Interpersonal Skills (BICS) to Cognitive Academic Language Proficiency (CALP), which is necessary to be successful in the classroom.  The pull-out allows for more personalized instruction.  Push-in is also used to allow students to stay with peers and access the curriculum with the support needed.  The programming provided is based on their current English acquisition level, and current grade level.  Teachers and EL staff communicate on a regular basis to make sure EL students' language and content needs are being met.  

    Secondary Program

    Secondary services are provided by instruction for multilingual students from EL staff and core content teachers and elective teachers.   There are also paraprofessional staff who help provide instruction to multilingual students.  The programing is based on their current English acquisition level and their current grade level and their credit needs.  Teachers and EL staff communicate to make sure language and content needs are being met.   

    Service Minutes provided:

    Elementary: Daily Instruction Model (based on WIDA ELP levels) 

    Service Types

    Levels 1-2:Entering and Emerging

    Level 3: Developing 

    Level 4+: Expanding 

    Levels 5-6: Reaching

    ELD Push-in

    Up to 60 minutes daily

    Up to 30 minutes daily 

    Up to 30 minutes daily


    ELD Pull-out

    Up to 30 minutes

    During intervention time, 2 days per week

    During intervention time, 1 day per week for the lowest ACCESS domain

    As needed for the lowest ACCESS domain

    Classroom supports

    SIOP Strategies

    SIOP Strategies

    SIOP Strategies

    SIOP Strategies







    Secondary: Daily Instruction Model (based on WIDA ELP levels) 

    Service Types

    Levels 1-2: Entering and Emerging

    Level 3: Developing

    Level 4+: Expanding

    Levels 5-6: Reaching

    English Language Development Classes

    1 period of ELD 1 daily

    1 period of ELD 1 -2x a week

    As needed

    As needed

    Classroom supports

    SIOP Strategies 

    SIOP Strategies 

    SIOP Strategies 

    SIOP Strategies 


    Exiting the English Learner Program 

    A variety of data is used to determine if students are ready to exit the English Learner program.  An overall ACCESS score of 4.5, including 4.0 in each domain is one of the criteria used to determine if students are ready to exit.  The district also uses MAP, MCA, GRAD, Rigby Benchmarking and teacher recommendation to determine when students are ready to exit the EL program.  Below is a chart of the exit information.  (See attached exit forms for elementary and secondary programs.)

    Exit Procedure To identify students who qualify for exiting the EL program, the EL teacher, in collaboration with the student’s mainstream teachers, will: 1. Review the test scores and student performance in the class.    2. If qualifications are met, complete the EL Exit Form. 3. Communicate with parents regarding this change.  Send a copy of the EL Exit form and Notification form to parents/guardians. 4. Send the EL Exit info to the secretary at school(for change in status in MARSS).   Exit date will be entered into Synergy. 5. File the EL Exit form and Notification form in the CUM folder.


    Imagine Language and Literacy

    Reading A-Z (Including Multi-lingual Reading Resources)

    Teachers can contact EL teacher for access to the above online resources.  

    Other District Resources Accessible through Intranet: 

    Big Idea's Math

         Mathematics curriculum for Middle School and High School- Includes Spanish Language Resources


         Language Learning APP

    Epic! Reading

         Leveled Reading Resources for Students

    ISL Collective

        ESL Worksheets and Activities

    IXL English Language Arts

        Phonics, reading comprehension, and writing strategies for students

    IXL Mathematics

        Provides assessment and leveled mathematics lessons for EL students

    Khan Academy

        Provides a variety of resources for EL students 

    Reading Eggs

        Beginning English Reading materials

    Other Resources

        Google Translate

        Minnesota Department of Education Resources


    Resources for English Language Students:

    1. Staff identify curriculum/ Instructional needs.
    2.  Staff Consult with the English Language Teacher regarding materials
    3.  English Language Teacher and requesting staff complete ENGLISH LANGUAGE REQUISITION FORM (Identifying instructional needs and students, Purchasing comparison (if necessary), and student information) 
    4. The English Language Teacher electronically sends the form to the Administrative Assistant for Student Support Services at the District Office. (If it is an Amazon order, the request is filled out online and forwarded to the Administrative Assistant for Student Support Services)
    5. The Director or Assistant Director of Student Support Services Approves the Purchase
    6. The Administrative Assistant for Student Support Services obtains additional approval from the teaching and learning department and the signature of the Director of Student Support Services
    7. The Administrative Assistant for Student Support Services codes materials and manages the distribution of items.

    Pre-Approved Purchases--Contact before purchasing any materials Rose Krick: rkrick@alexschools.org or Michelle Bethke-Kaliher mkaliher@alexschools.org.

    After Purchase

    1. The administrative Assistant will record items, document purchases, and label purchased equipment.
    2. The administrative Assistant will send instructional supplies to the building. If the purchase is delivered directly to you, please send an email stating that the purchase was received and interschool mail all packing slips or order information to Rose Krick at rkrick@alexschools.org